OREGON CITIZEN is information focused on the issues that matter to Oregonians. Cindy a native born Oregonian noticed headlines in local media and did her own research. She shared this information on her personal social media. To reach more people and to be focused she opened an Instagram account as OREGON CITIZEN. OREGON CITIZEN is now on 5 social media platforms.

OREGON CITIZEN focuses on local issues and information for Oregonians.

Educates Oregonians on what is happening in government and how to be civically involved.

As Oregonians we have spent too much time complaining and not enough time doing.

NOW is the time for us to take responsibility for our state.

We are in a SELF RESCUE.

If you live in Oregon WE NEED YOU!

Watch to find out MORE about OREGON CITIZEN

So excited to be able to share the Oregon Citizen website with you! This has been a dream to create a hub of information for Oregonians! This is a place where you can find out information about issues you care about! There is also a place where you can submit YOUR STORY! We have let the national and international media tell our story for too long and now it is time for us to tell the world our stories! In the near future Oregon Citizen will offer classes to inform and educate Oregonians on how to become civically engaged.


All of the work at this time is done by Cindy. She researches, creates the content and posts on 5 platforms including this website. To keep the work going please consider giving to


CONTACT  Oregon  Citizen

