Your Vote
Vote 2024
The information that is shared here is to aid you in your voting choices.
This is based on hours of research on OLIS and the campaign information is available through ORESTAR on the Oregon Secretary of State website.
Think critically and vote.
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We have 5 measures that are on the statewide ballot. M115, M116,M117,M118 & M119. If you would like to see the explanations the voter’s guide it is online. All measures are listed and are explained. One way to tell if a measure is truly “grassroots” is to look at the funding. Intiative petitions have a long history in Oregon and have been a way for people to get laws passed without going through the legislature. On occasion the legislature will pass a bill and that bill must go before the vote of the people.
We have one of those measures this year with M117.
Measure 117 began as a bill in the Oregon legislature. The Oregon legislature passed HB2004 in 2023. The way the bill was written RCV would only apply to specific political races. Presidential, congressional (US House & US Senate), Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer and Attorney General. HOW convenient that it DOES NOT include Oregon Representative and Oregon Senate races. Why would they want to leave themselves out of all of the fun?
Now onto the funding of M117. Early in the election season, Oregon Citizen did some research and wrote this article.M117 Ranked Choice Voting: Who is Funding it? That article pointed to the fact that all of the measures M115, M116, M117 & M119 are all funneled through the same PAC. At the time of the writing most of the money was coming from a non profit in Oregon. Non profits do not have requirements of reporting where their funding comes from. In checking in this month in the heat of the race. There have been large infusions of funds. One particularly large donation from an organization in Virginia titled Article IV.
$2.2 MILLION from this out of state organization.
Oregonians are you tired of policy being funded by organizations outside of our state? We saw the same thing with M110. M110 was funded by Drug Policy Alliance in New York City to the amount of $5,000,000. The out of state money floods in to propagandize Oregon and we are left with dealing with BAD POLICY.
If you are interested in doing some more research about Ranked Choice Voting here is a website:
Some articles: Botched the Winner, Alaska Repealing it, In 2022 Multnomah Co Democrats reported the problems with it
M118 Would tax corporations 3% of their GROSS income if they make $25 Million or more GROSS a year. The money collected in the tax would be distributed by the Oregon Department of Revenue and each person in Oregon would receive approxiamtely $1,600 a year. It would be a universal basic income. Some of the issues with this? Oregon Businesses are already subject to 2 state taxes and those in the Portland areas are subject to 4 additional taxes. How many more taxes can businesses take? If this passes it is likely that more businesses will leave the state and take their revenue and their jobs with them! Some that choose to stay will just pass the additional costs to the consumer just like with the CAT tax. The other red flag is M118 is funded by CALIFORNIA billionaires. Out of state rich people are funding this effort that won’t even effect them! Oregon Citizen reported on this in August.
M115, M116, M119 first observation about these measures is that the finances are combined along with M117 and supported by the same PACs. This is a similar strategy that was played in 2022.
These 2 PACs (Political Action Committee) were set up to receive funds in support of 4 out of 5 measures that are on the ballot. Jeff Green who is the handler of these finances is the same financial handler of the campaign funds of the most progressive candidates responsibile for some of the WORST laws that have been passed in Oregon. Tina Kotek, Kate Leiber,Dan Rayfield, Rob Wagner, Rob Nosse, Travis Nelson, Tobias Read and so many more.
In the general election of 2022 this same strategy was employed with M111, M112, M113, M114. Two PACs set up to funnel campaign funds and paid for all 4 of the measures. Again, Jeff Green was the campaign funds handler in 2022.
When choosing candidates and what measures to support
NEVER FORGET who supported
This is who supported the passage of M110
The ONE race in Oregon that is THE race is the State Attorney General Race. This is the most important race. The two candidadates who are running for this are Dan Rayfield and Will Lathrop. Dan was a Rep in the Oregon House and became the Speaker of the House when Tina stepped down to run for Governor. The other candidate is Will Lathrop. Will is a native born Oregonian who has worked as a prosecuting attorney locally, nationally and internationally. Included here are videos that are revealing. Please take the time to watch. I think it will be clear that Will Lathrop understands the duties of the Attorney General and would bring the new leadership and real change that we need in Oregon.
Dan Rayfield as a politician has been responsible for some of the most reprehensible policies in our state. He led the way for the passage of HB2002 the bill that allows for kids aged 15 and older to receive puberty blockers and gender transition surgeries without parental knowledge. He voted for public camping, he supported the passage of M110. He voted for legislation that gives OHA (Oregon Health Authority) the authority to automatically register people to vote. This is only just a few of the bad policies. There is also the recent scandal involving an employee of Future PAC. The employee had allegedly sexually harassed a minor volunteer. Dan was the Director of at the time of the incident.
Will Lathrop served as a deputy district attorny for 9 years on Marion and Yamhill counties. He served on the Oregon District Attorney Association’s legislative committee where he reviewed crime legislation and testified as an expert to various legislative submcomittees.
His success as a prosecutor quickly took him to Alexandria, Virginia. In 2014 he was recruited by the National District Attorneys Association to provide technical assistance, best practices trainings, and innovative research and literature to district attorneys offices, prosecutors, law enforcement officers, and child protective services across the nation.
Continuing his commitment to protecting victims and building functional justice systems, Will began working with a global human rights organization, International Justice Mission (IJM), in 2015 as an Office Director to lead its Northern Uganda office. To read more about Will’s work overseas check out his website.