Brook - 5th generation Oregonian

  I’m a 5th generation Oregonian. My children and grandchildren were born and live here as well. I’ve seen how we’ve changed. How bad it has gotten politically. My great grandfather owned a mill and started as a logger. My family has always worked in the forestry and agricultural industry. I was born in Cottage Grove at a hospital that no longer exists and now live in Prairie City. Our culture has been lost with the influx of alternative lifestyle people attracted to socialism. Our government is completely corrupt and everyone knows it.

The beauty of this state is lost because of the ugliness and ignorance of the majority of the people. My family now works on one of the few family owned ranches still operating and making money as a cow calf operation. That is in jeopardy due to extreme environmental restrictions and actions taken by government entities.

 Did you know that Grant Co, where I live is fundamentally more conservative than Oklahoma? We have a county ordinance that’s prevents any county of city from supporting any UN actions? It was passed in the 90’s. What happened to Oregon is what’s happening to our country. Our culture was replaced by an influx of Californian’s in the 80-90’s. I’m not saying that new people are bad, in fact I believe the opposite. The majority of Oregon now are transplants… we don’t teach Oregon history in schools. Ask almost anyone, most aren’t proud or have good things to say about Oregon. I want that back!!!

I’m proud to be 5th gen. I’m proud of my logging heritage. I’m proud to be a rancher. I think people forget Oregon didn’t start in the 60’s with the hippies… the history here is deep and complex. We come from the bravest of the brave, to face uncertainty and risked death to come out on the Oregon Trail. I went to school in Oregon my whole life. Can you tell me the date Oregon became a state? I couldn’t until I was 40, when I started working at a school. Oregon’s story is sooo cool! Please tell it well. 

Brook W.


Cole - We are misrepresented