Cindy Fincher Cindy Fincher

Have Unions Become Money Pots For Political Gain?

I used to have a job that was unionized. The leaders always pushed for things that didn’t truly benefit the members and they were constantly telling us who and what to vote for politically and what candidates to donate money to.

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Cindy Fincher Cindy Fincher

A Frustrated Oregon Educator

It is disappointing to see that this is how our tax dollars are being spent. It’s discouraging to see that my professional growth is no longer prioritized. I will continue to seek it on my own… but it’s time we bring back balance and focus on the job at hand, especially within publicly-funded organization

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Cindy Fincher Cindy Fincher

US Army Veteran - KFalls, Oregon

A US Army Veteran from Klamath Falls does not feel heard. “ The livelihoods of many Oregonian are being demolished by our corrupt government, a government that does not really care about the citizens.”

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