US Army Veteran - KFalls, Oregon

I am a native Oregonian, born in KFalls in the 60s. As a child and teenager I loved Oregon; as an adult I am disgusted and no longer like living in Oregon. I served 24 years in the U.S Army and am also a Born-again Believer in Jesus Christ. Oregon has been destroyed by drugs, homelessness, a politicized education system that has brought damage as it has dumbed down youth, a lack of true Christian values and Biblical instruction in MANY homes; and the placement of Godless, immoral, deceiving, weak government officials(I do believe a number of our elections have been hijacked - for political candidates and on a number of measures) ... when the people abandon GOD & the guidance of Scripture then oppression and the placement of foolishness takes hold! Many Oregonian are self-serving and unwilling to get involved in a number of key issues - so it is no wonder Oregon is being overtaken & strangled by corruption and individuals without morals or wisdom. There are a few folks willing to take a stand against the rising evil ... and WE NEED GOD to be successful- but many want to ignore this simple truth and rely on self and other individuals. The livelihoods of many Oregonian are being demolished by our corrupt government, a government that does not really care about the citizens. It is no wonder this small state makes national news because of the fools destroying it.

'U.S Army Veteran + Soldier in Christ'


DUSTIN - Leaving Oregon for Arizona


Cole - We are misrepresented