Growing the Economy? OR Growing Government?

Oregon Employment Department released a jobs report June 2024. Here are the numbers.

Take a look.

The report says that the unemployment in Oregon is only 4.2%. The bigger question:

What is the job health of Oregon?

The report admits that private-sector job growth has been slow. Private sector includes small businesses, medium sized businesses and corporations. Private sector produces the goods and services that drive the economy.

What industry has seen job growth?


Health Care & Social Assistance jobs have increased by 16,2000.

Public sector/government jobs have increased by 9,100.

Many of these jobs rely on our tax dollars to fund them. Health care can be driven by Medicaid and Medicare dollars. Social assistance jobs can be also funded by federal grant dollars as well as state grant dollars. Public sector/government is funded by tax dollars. Those jobs also will have long term funding of PERS(Public Employee Retirement System).

oregon jobs

Oregon Jobs

Job losses? The Private sector has been hit with 9,300 job losses.

Manufacturing lost 3,700 jobs

Retail lost 3,400 jobs

Construction lost 2,200 jobs

It is interesting that the jobs that have increased the most in Oregon are also the job categories that increased the most nationally in quarter 3 & quarter 4 of 2023.

National Jobs 2023

All of the talk of job growth is showing growth in sectors that require a continual feeding of taxpayer money.

Are we growing a healthy economy or are we growing dependence on tax dollars?

You fund the government

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