Senator Steiner says tolls are just user fees
Senator Elizabeth Steiner began her political career in Oregon via appointment. She was appointed by the Multnomah Co. and Washington Co. Commissioners to take the place of Suzanne Bonamici SD 17 when Bonamici ran for Congressional District 1. Steiner was appointed to the Oregon Senate in 2011. Senator Steiner has served on the Joint Ways and Means Committee since 2018. The Joint Ways and Means Committee is the legislative appropriations committee that determines state budget policy. In the video Senator Steiner is interviewed by Pat Dooris and she explains how the committee is proposing that the I-5 bridge will be paid for.
Senator Steiner explains how the I-5 Bridge will be funded
Did you catch what Senator Steiner said in the video? She commented that tolls are a user fee that she is from the east coast and she thinks everyone should pay user fees (tolls)
The casual attitude about something that will be a burden to Oregonians is stunning.
Senator Steiner is running for State Treasurer. Her casual attitude about money is interesting and prompted me to do some research. Diving into Senator Steiner’s campaign contributions there are sets of LARGE donations.
3 donations given at the same time 12/2023 and the totals are $100,000. $25,0000 donation from Joshua Steiner in New York, New York. $25,000 from Susan Linder residing in New York, New York and $50,000 from Prudence Steiner residing in New York, New York. Totaling $100,000.
These same people gave the same amounts in 05/2024. The total from these donors is $200,000. That is an unusual and significant amount of money. In ORESTAR Joshua Steiner and Prudence Steiner are labeled as immediate family. Susan Linder has the same last name as Prudence whose maiden name was Linder. Susan who also lives in New York, New York could very well be a family member of Prudence Steiner.
Who is Senator Steiner’s immediate family? Elizabeth Steiner is the daughter of Daniel & Prudence Steiner. The Steiner family appears to be well connected. A short search reveals that her parent’s engagement was featured in the New York Times. Her father as well as her mother were graduates of Harvard. Her father practiced as a lawyer in private practice at law firms in New York and then later joined the International Development Agency at the State Department. He worked for the government until 1969 and then was named as the FIRST general counsel for Harvard in 1970. In 1994 he became an overseer for the New England Conservatory a music college and took over as acting President in 1999 although he had no experience in music. Prudence has held her own prestigious positions she taught at Harvard and was a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Women’s archive.
So the question, with such an illustrious family heritage and connections. With the ability to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars from family to support her campaign.
With her declaration that tolls are just user fees, and everyone should pay user fees attitude.
Is she really capable of understanding the concerns of Oregonians? Will she prioritize fiscal responsibility if she becomes the state treasurer? Let me know what you think!