Who is paying for the CLEAN GREEN Energy?

In Oregon we are bombarded with “clean, green energy” messaging. We are being sold that the future is, electrification of vehicles, solar panels and wind turbines.

How did we get here? How did EV’s and infrastructure to support EV’s become so important? AND most importantly


It became a priority when Governor Kate Brown signed 4 CLEAN ENERGY BILLS into law in 2021.. “With these policies, we will create jobs in a 21st Century, clean energy economy,” said Governor Brown. “We will reduce carbon emissions. And, we will make sure the economic, environmental, and health benefits of our clean energy economy reach all Oregonians, especially those who have been disproportionately impacted by climate change and pollution. Oregon is leading the way.”

This is how it works: HB2165 was passed in 2021 it was one of 4 “clean energy” bills signed by Governor Brown. The bill requires PGE & PACIFIC POWER to support and integrate electrification of transportation and WE THE CONSUMERS PAY FOR IT.

Do you think PGE & Pacific Power would have agreed to upgrading infrastructure to support EV’s if they had to pay for it out of their corporate profits?

This includes supporting ALL EV’s. EV school busses, Trimet busses, garbage trucks, state vehicles and let’s not forget personal EV’s that the federal government(which is us)offers rebates to consumers to purchase EV’s.

EV Garbage Truck funded by PGE (Consumers - US)

EV School Buses funded by PGE (CONSUMERS - US)

The grants awarded to purchase EV’s are paid for by Oregon Citizens, those who consume electricity through PGE and Pacific Power.

The Biden-Harris Administration recently awarded $22.6 MILLION to Oregon schools to purchase EV & propane buses. Who pays for it WE DO!

So we are supposed to be excited that we are being awarded funds that we gave to the federal government in taxes so they can give it back to us for something that we did not ask for. Do you see a cycle here? Are you understanding how the money cycle works?

Biden-Harris Administration Awards $22.6 M to Oregon for buses

Oregon Citizens would you like to know who voted for HB2165?

Who are the legislators who voted to tie YOU to an infrastructure of their own making?



Oregon Senators Vote

Oregon Representatives Vote

What do you think about Oregon Legislators voting to have YOU pay for THEIR agenda?

Oregonians TAKE NOTE who is voting to

“pick your pocket” and vote accordingly!


Oregon The People’s rebate


Senator Steiner says tolls are just user fees