Hacienda Claims Mistake, Are They Hiding The Truth?
The story of Hacienda offering $30,000.00 down payments to non citizens rocked the nation. People were in disbelief and shock.
Here is the breakdown of the timeline and ultimately what was discovered.
The story of non citizens benefitting from $30,000.00 down payments launched on “X” on 08/08/2024.
The information was shared to Oregon Citizen by a community member and vetted before it was posted.
08/09/2024 Oregon Citizen was contacted by Mary Rooke of the Daily Caller. She was very interested in the story. That same day Representative Ed Diehl contacted Oregon Citizen and confirmed what had been revealed about the program offered by Hacienda. He also confirmed more details so he agreed to connect with Mary from the Daily Caller. Rep. Diehl had expressed that he had been actively pursuing local media to submit an Op ED. He did not have ANY luck from local media so he was happy to talk to the Daily Caller.
08/14/2024 Representative Diehl and attorney Andrew Quinio from the Pacific Legal Foundation partnered on a piece that was published by the Daily Caller.
08/21/2024 Mary Rooke with the Daily Caller printed the full story with details. How the program was funded as the EEIP the Economic Equity Investment Program in 2022 and how it was refunded in 2024.
THANK YOU MARY ROOKE for elevating the story!
Some of the articles: New York Post, The Daily Mail , The Post Millenial .
08/23/2024 Wright Gazaway a journalist with KATU stated that he called Hacienda CDC and their statement to him was this “This was an error made by an external graphic design consultant and this statement is not true. It should have been caught before being released. The EEI Program is for every Oregonian, including U.S. Citizens.”
08/25/2024 Once the information had gone viral Hacienda made it’s own statement on it’s website.In the statement it says that the down payment program “does NOT exclude US Citizens.” Hacienda also stated that the flyer which was created by an outside consultant misstated the program requirements.
They also released a statement via Newsweek. Which also stated that the flyer had “misstated these program requirements”
So is this the truth? OR was Hacienda trying to cover up information that was released to the public and they did not expect it to go viral? Thanks to Jeff he did some more digging and was able to confirm the truth.
Hacienda’s grant application for the EEIP funds was distinguished for individuals that have an ITIN#. An ITIN# is a number only available to NON CITIZENS. So individuals who are NOT US Citizens!
Despite Hacienda’s claims that the $30,000.00 was available to assist potential homebuyers who were citizens, their contract clearly stated that it was ONLY for individuals who had an ITIN#. NON CITIZENS.
This is not the only discriminatory program that is funded by the EEIP.
WE NEED TO REMEMBER THAT THE OREGON LEGISLATURE is the governing body that approved and funded this and other EEIP programs. The blame lies on the legislature for the original funding. Hacienda was only going along with the standards of the EEIP.
You can direct your comments to the legislators that voted YES/AYE for this program.
If you are unaware of who your legislators are you can look them up and send them an email.
If you want to see a list of other programs, they are listed on the Oregon Business website. Oregon Business is the government entity that manages and distributes the funds. As an Oregonian what do you think about the EEIP programs?