M117 RCV Ranked Choice Voting. Who Is Funding It?

Funding for a candidate or a measure can be revealing.Before voting for a candidate or a measure it is worth the effort to do a little research to discover,who are the financial supporters. This research was done in August 2024.

Money to fund M117 is being funneled through a non profit 

The organization Oregon Ranked Choice Voting Advocates is a 501c4 non profit that is advocating for Ranked Choice Voting in Oregon. It brought RCV to Benton County in 2016 and Multnomah Co in 2022. It is interesting that it is a non profit. As a non profit the money donated to it cannot be searched publicly.

Contributions to the YES on M117 camapaign all from the non profit Oregon Ranked Choice Voting

When researching the PACs (Political Action Committees) related to M117. Funding for YES on M117 shows that it comes from the non profit Ranked Choice Voting Advocates. At the time of this research $309,000 had been funneled from the non profit to the PAC.Money that is funneled through the non profit provides a shield. There is no way to track where that money originated from. Did it orginate from out of state donors? Out of state non profits? Other political PACS? Where did it come from?

4 of the 5 measures on the November ballot are integrated into the SAME PAC.

There is not only 1 PAC connected to M117 funds but multiple M117 PACs. One is titled MOBILZE OREGON VOTES. Mobile Oregon Votes is connected to MULTIPLE measures that will be on the ballot. M115,M116,M117,M119 all have connected campaign finaces in the Mobilize Oregon Votes PAC and will be sharing funding sources. The only one that is NOT connected is M118. M118 is being funded by the Oregon People’s Rebate PAC and that is funded almost entirely by California Millionaires. So what does this say about MULTIPLE MEAURES being funded by the same sources and tied into the same PAC? Who is behind this and who is supporting this?

Supporters of M117 & Supporters of M110

We can learn so much from M110. M110 was largely funded by Drug Policy Action (funded by the Open Society Foundation) $5,000,000. Mark Zuckerburg $500,000. Massive donations from sources outside of the state of Oregon. Take note who supported that measure and take note who is supporting M117. Are we going to have a similar situation with multiple measures tied to the SAME PAC with similar funding sources.

Are all of the measures on the ballot in November not good for Oregon citizens? Are those measures reflective of what people want? or are we as Oregon voters being told what WE SHOULD want? What do you think? To learn more about Ranked Choice Voting check out this website Ranked Choice Education.


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