Oregon Mayors with UBI on their mind

Universal Basic Income UBI is “the concept of a government program in which every adult citizen receives a set amount of money regularly. The goals of a basic income system are to alleviate poverty and replace other need-based social programs that potentially require greater bureaucratic involvement” Per Investopedia. It sounds good doesn’t it? What seems to be a common thread in those funding the concepts of UBI is the BILLIONAIRE class.

The most recent example of that in Oregon is the campaign funding of IP17/M118 that will be on the ballot November 2024. It is 99% funded by out of state billionaires. Even if that does NOT pass the UBI concept is not going away. There are 3 Oregon Mayors that have joined a coalition called “Mayors for Guaranteed Income”.

Mayors for Guaranteed Income: Beaverton, Hillsboro,Tigard

Lacey Beaty, Mayor of Beaverton. Steve Callaway, Mayor of Hillsboro and Heidi Lueb, Mayor of Tigard are part of the Mayors for Guaranteed Income. Mayors for a Guaranteed Income is a network of mayors advocating for a guaranteed income to ensure that all Americans have an income floor.

Interestingly enough, Mayors for a Guaranteed Income is a network that is also connected to Counties for a Guaranteed Income. In May 2024, Multnomah County hosted a “Guaranteed Income Works” event. At the time of the event Susheela Jayapal was listed on the Counties for a Guaranteed Income website.

Notice who is funding these organizations?

The Rockefeller Foundation.

Why would the Rockefeller Foundation want to fund this? Guaranteed Income models require the government to provide the funding for UBI and it is usually through taxes! Taxing citizens or corporations and then redistributing the funds through a government entity.

If the Rockefeller Foundation believes in UBI why don’t they fund it?

Since the publishing of this article, Forest Grove Mayor Malynda Wenzl has joined the UBI movement.


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